Graceland Kids
Angel Asher
Children’s Ministry Director
Children’s ministry is not merely glorified baby-sitting for Jesus. Our children are learning the Word and growing spiritually in every story, game, and children’s church outing they attend. We believe that children grow spiritually through serious response to the sharing of God’s Word. We also believe that children learn by having FUN!! It is important to us to to encourage our kids in their relationship with God as well as their relationship with each other. Children need good Christian friends to help encourage them in their Christian walk. To help those relationships grow we plan lots of fun outings outside of church for our kids.Our mission is to encourage children to love and worship God, love others as God has commanded u, and grow to be bold men and women for God.
Children’s Church
Our children’s church is on Sunday mornings at 10:30am and is for children in first through sixth grade. We teach God’s word in such a fun and exciting way that the children can’t wait to come back.
Our nursery is available for infants and children up to age 2 on Sunday mornings for our morning Worship service at 10:30am. We also have nursery available for our Wednesday evening service at 7:00pm.
Our class for preschoolers is available for children ages 3 through Kindergarten during our 10:30am service on Sunday mornings and our 7:00pm service on Wednesday evenings.
Youth Ministry
Lee & Jamey Agne
Youth Directors
Targeting 7th-12th graders, it is the goal of Disciples 4 Christ Youth Ministry to reach the young people of this generation with the love of Jesus Christ in a vibrant, exciting, and powerful way!
Come and join our services every Wednesday evening. From 6-7pm we have a fun time hanging out and playing games, and from 7-8:30pm we have our 180 youth services.
Men’s Ministry
In addition to addressing the issues and concerns men face today, our men’s ministry is committed to providing ministry opportunities for men to use the talents the Lord has given them. Our Men’s Ministry meet together once a month on Sunday nights for a time of fellowship, discipleship, and leadership. The foundational commitment under all activities is to strengthen every man’s relationship with Jesus.
For more info on the OBC Men’s Ministry, contact Dan Agne at
Key Benefits Study of the Word of God. Various outdoor activities. Fellowship and prayer
Build strong, lasting relationships
Care Ministry
The Care Ministry’s purpose is to reach people by showing God’s love through a ministry of caring, sharing, and serving. The Care Ministry sends cards to shut-ins and to those who cannot get out due to illness. The Care Ministry also runs a year-round food pantry that provides food to those in need. During the holidays, the Care Ministry prepares food baskets for hundreds of people in need. They also adopt families for Christmas and provide gifts for many children.
For more information or to get involved with the Care Ministry contact Randy Hough at
Missions & Outreach
Our Missions & Outreach ministry exists to fulfill the Great Commission both locally and globally. We do this by preaching the Gospel, developing leaders, and planting churches. We believe that a healthy church is missions-minded and has a heart to see the Gospel preached not only to the four corners of the earth, but to the near corners of our neighborhood. We urge you to join us in the practical working out of Jesus’ command to love God and love people.
Sunday School
Currently suspended until further notice
We offer Sunday School for all ages.
Classes start at 9:30am on Sundays.
Nursery 0-2yrs
Kindergarten 3-7yrs
Middlers 8-12yrs
Youth 13-18yrs
Men’s Class 19+yrs
Women’s Class 19+yrs
Membership Class
Connections Class

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We invite you to join the thousands of committed believers from around the world who have grown in their knowledge of the Lord and found their place of ministry in the Body of Christ through their studies in INSTE.
If you are interested in taking INSTE please contact Pam Hough at
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